Journey Of Delights / Rose

Journey To The Route Of Delights - Rose
Rose is the queen of flowers and perhaps the first plant from whichessential oil was obtained. Rose petal oil hasa number of useful properties and is actively used in perfumery,medicine and cosmetology.The Rose aroma from La Sultane de Saba is filled with tenderness, passion and leaves a unique trail of sweetness and spice.
Shower Cream Rose (Delices)
Sale price1,590.00TL
Rose care set (face and body)
Sale price6,490.00TL
Body Lotions Rose (Delices)
Sale price2,250.00TL
Beauty Oil Rose (Delices)
Sale price2,730.00TL
Majestic Balm Rose (Delices)
Sale price2,930.00TL
Sugar Scrub Rose (Delices)
Sale price2,590.00TL
Candle Rose (Delices)
Sale price2,500.00TL